Contact Us

Pioneers. Highly Experienced. Ever Reaching. Since 1983.



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Bloomfield, NY 14469


Who We Are

"When I resigned from Xerox in 1983 and started Creative Approaches, it was the world's first (and only) custom Computer-Based Training development company in the world. Over the years, the technology has changed dramatically (from mainframe delivery to smartphone delivery). Even the name of the industry has changed many times (online learning, e-learning, etc.) but our goal has remained constant - help our clients provide cost effective training for their clients or employees that enables them to achieve mastery of the subject content as quickly as possible.

I am proud that Creative Approaches continues to be a vibrant developer after all these years."

~ Travis Piper, Creative Approaches Founder

"Every client, every project, all the software and hardware, the techniques, they all change and evolve every day. What keeps me motivated is pushing this business so it changes along with it. We learn about our clients processes, procedures, and specialized needs and come up with incredible solutions that improve their situation and excel their employees knowledge. Oftentimes, our collaboration uncovers "a-ha" moments and catalysts that lead to ideas and options - positive brainstorming.

It's the challenge that motivates us. We're driven to perfection by ensuring our eLearning solutions effectively solve complex issues the first time around."

~ Ian Caspersson, Creative Approaches President